The Center for Biblical Sexuality is a resource ministry.


The Center for Biblical Sexuality is a resource ministry. We seek to equip the church of Jesus Christ to give faithful biblical answers to difficult questions asked by many today about the nature of sexuality, manhood and womanhood, the family, marriage, fatherhood and motherhood, childrearing, the differences between boys and girls, and more. In a time when the West is increasingly turning its back on God’s good design, the CBS seeks to promote God’s unchanging truth on contested matters. We wish to “speak the truth in love” by showing how the gospel of grace transforms sinners and enables us to flourish as the men and women we were created to be (Ephesians 4:15). We collaborate with churches and ministries in executing this mission, and provide resources to accomplish this aim—books, booklets, articles, media, and more.


The CBS is led by Owen Strachan and Gavin Peacock.




The Center for Biblical Sexuality exists to equip churches and Christians to give sound biblical answers to questions our culture is raising about human sexuality and identity. Sexuality is in many senses the issue of issues today. The chaos of our fallen condition takes on distinct manifestations in different ages in history. In the 21st century, that chaos centers for many in sexual brokenness, pornography addiction, bodily confusion, familial breakdown, marital strife, lack of training as a father or mother, instability of personal identity, and much more.

We believe that these difficulties are part of faithful Christian discipleship, and also part of faithful Christian witness to sinners just like us. Matters of sexuality, gender, and identity must not be rendered as “fourth-tier” considerations as can sometimes happen, but should be frontloaded and addressed with clarity, specificity, and theological focus in both discipleship and evangelism. Said differently, rather than tackling such matters late in ministry to needy people, gospel-proclaiming Christianity should see sexual and bodily issues as foundational, and as needing careful attention and guidance.

The CBS exists to help churches and Christians and organizations do just this. We offer theological and spiritual resources to meet the major missiological challenge in the West in the 21st century, the challenge of sexuality and personal identity.





Owen Strachan is associate professor of Christian theology and director of the Center for Public Theology and the Residency PhD program at Midwestern Baptist Theological Seminary. He is the author of Reenchanting Humanity: A Theology of Mankind and several other books. Strachan holds the PhD in Theological Studies from Trinity Evangelical Divinity School and a MDiv from The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary. He is the former President of the Council on Biblical Manhood & Womanhood.


Gavin Peacock is an associate pastor at Calvary Grace Church in Calgary, Alberta. He is the Director of International Outreach for the Council on Biblical Manhood & Womanhood. He holds a MA in Christian Studies and certificates in OT and NT studies from Cambridge University. Gavin was a professional footballer for 18 years, representing Chelsea, Queen’s Park Rangers, and Newcastle United amongst others over his 600-game career. With Strachan, Peacock is the author of four books, all with Christian Focus: The Grand Design: Male and Female He Made Them, What Does the Bible Teach About Lust?, What Does the Bible Teach About Homosexuality?, What Does the Bible Teach About Transgenderism?